The Cairngorm GTX Gaiter from Trekmates are a good choice for hill walking, U.K mountaineering or just for a wander on a muddy track. And with them being one of the cheapest GORE-TEX lined Gaiters on the market, they make an excellent addition to your outdoor gear to give you that extra protection from the wind and rain.
They are constructed from Tough Cordura fabric at the lower end of the Gaiters as well as a strip of the same fabric running up the front of the Gaiters making them very strong and surprisingly lightweight, all this constructed over the top of GORE-TEX 3-layer Taslan fabric.
Trekmates have designed these Gaiters with a wide Velcro strip at the front that wraps around your lower leg fairly easily. Once on, they certainly will not come apart on your hike! The Gaiters also come with a tough hard wearing strap that will fit around any boots easily. The strap is quite long, and for safety will need cutting to a suitable length - the strap is also fully replaceable too if you do lose or destroy it.
Overall on the hill these have been a useful addition to my outdoor gear. If anything they are good for taking off after getting them covered in mud and so when travelling home the lower leg of my walking pants are still clean.
These Gaiters however are not particularly breathable, after long hikes I get quite a build up of moisture on the inside of them, this is the main problem with them being GORE-TEX lined. Other than that, these are a quality pair of Gaiters.
4 out of 5 stars.
...greetings and merry meet! ~ awesome review! ~ these gait's look like they will do the job perfectly! ~ blessed be! ~ dear kindred heart!...(o:
Thank you, yes a good pair of gaiters that won't break the bank.
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